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If applicable,the Parties will apply for an exemption from business tax levied on VOLKSWAGEN for the Service provided under this contract.Where business tax is levied and such exemption can not be obtained,the invoice amount shall include the business tax for the Services provided by VOLKSWAGEN both in the PRC and in the F.R.of Germany as mentioned in subparagraph 4.7 (II)
In case VOLKSWAGEN renders Services in the PRC pursuant to the Contract with a term exceeding six months,the invoiced amount shall also include the corporate income tax calculated on a deemed profit rate applicable to the respective service as long as the deemed profit method is applied by the Chinese tax authorities.Should the tax authorities adjust this deemed rate,a supplement shall be signed in this regard,in which any excess charges already paid shall be refunded or undercharges supplemented accordingly.
If applicable,the Parties will apply for an exemption from business tax levied on VOLKSWAGEN for the Service provided under this contract.Where business tax is levied and such exemption can not be obtained,the invoice amount shall include the business tax for the Services provided by VOLKSWAGEN both in the PRC and in the F.R.of Germany as mentioned in subparagraph 4.7 (II)
In case VOLKSWAGEN renders Services in the PRC pursuant to the Contract with a term exceeding six months,the invoiced amount shall also include the corporate income tax calculated on a deemed profit rate applicable to the respective service as long as the deemed profit method is applied by the Chinese tax authorities.Should the tax authorities adjust this deemed rate,a supplement shall be signed in this regard,in which any excess charges already paid shall be refunded or undercharges supplemented accordingly.
如适用,双方将申请豁免营业税的征收大众在本合同项下提供的服务.在征收营业税是不能获得予以豁免,发票金额应包括营业税对其提供的服务项目在中国大众都和F.R.德国作为款4.7(2) 如果大众提供服务,根据《中华人民共...
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