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My first expedition
When I was about twelve,I(23)___the chance to go to western China,looking for rare plants in an extraordinary area of mountains and forests.I wasn't all that(24)___in plants,but my dad's a botanist by(25)___and he was going as an assistant to Professor Beal,who was(26)___the expedition.
    It was an important international expedition and my name was(27)___not on the list of participants.But at the(28)___moment,one of the experts broke his ankle and had to(29)___out.It was impossible to get anyone else to go at such(30)___ notice,so my dad suggested taking me,(31)___the experience.
    I think the professor was so surprised that he agreed without thinking,but he obviously began to(32)___doubts as soon as the plane was in the air.I remember him(33)___that he hoped I wasn't going to run around and(34)___on rare specimens!As if I was a little kid.
My dad didn't say anything as bad as that,but he did say that he hoped he wasn't going to (35)___bringing me.I tried to be really quiet so they would forget I was there.They didn't realize it at the(36)___,but my ambition was to get a photo of a wild panda.And,of course,in the end that's(37)___what I did.

23.A.got B.found C.reached D.received
24.A.fascinated B.keen C.interested D.fond
25.A.work B.profession C.job D.employment
26.A.offering B.giving C.leading D.exploring
27.A.completely B.definitely C.particularly D.confidently
28.A.late B.final C.last D.end
29.A.drop B.slip C.fall D.look
30.A.quick B.brief C.fast D.short
31.A.to B.for C.on D.of
32.A.have B.see C.do D.feel
33.A.speaking B.telling C.talking D.saying
34.A.step B.spoil C.squash D.ruin
35.A.discourage B.regret C.disappoint D.apologize
36.A.minute B.point C.event D.time
37.A.perfectly B.correctly C.exactly D.accurately
23-27 ACBCB  28-32 CADBA 33-37 DABDC
23 A.考查动词的辨析.句意是:我得到一个去中国西部考察的机会.get the chance to do sth.得到…的机会,故选A.
24 C.考查词组be interested in 对…感兴趣.句意是:我并不是那么地对植物感兴趣.故选C.
25 B.考查名词的辨析.固定搭配 by profession 在职业上,就职业来说.句意是:我爸爸的职业是一名植物学家.故选B.
26 C.考查动词的辨析.句意是:他带领着考察队.故选C.
27 B.考查副词的辨析.句意是:我的名字肯定不在参加人员的名单上.definitely 明确地,肯定地.故选B.
28 C.考查形容词的辨析. at the last moment 在最后一刻,是固定搭配.句意是:在最后一刻,一位专家摔断了他的脚踝.故选C.
29 A.考查固定搭配drop out 退出.句意是:不得不退出.故选A.
30 D.考查固定搭配at such short notice 在短时间内.句意是:在短时间内找到任何去的人是不可能的.故选D.
31 B.考查介词的辨析.句意是:所以我爸爸建议带上我去考察.for:给,对〔表示对象或用途〕.故选B.
32 A.考查动词的辨析.句意是:但是很明显他开始有疑问.have doubts 有疑问.故选A.
33 D.考查动词的辨析.我记得他说了….say 是及物动词,强调说话的内容,后面可以接宾语从句.故选D.
34 A.考查动词的辨析.句意是:他希望我不要乱跑,踩在罕见的标本上.step on 踩踏在…上.故选A.
35 B.考查动词的辨析.regret doing sth.遗憾/后悔做某事.句意是:但是他说了他希望他不后悔带我来.故选B.
36 D.考查词组at the time 在那时,当时.句意是:那时他们没有意识到.故选D.
37 C.考查副词的辨析.句意是:最后,那正是我做的.exactly 恰好是,正是.故选C.