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One, from the thinking model to accomplish the transformation of college students must be soberly aware that after entering the workplace, their social responsibility, social role, social obligations, social power and the environment is different, should be in accordance with the new environment and role to restrain themselves, and assume the responsibilities of self. To get rid of the students "to learn" mode of thinking, change it into "use based" thinking mode. Two, from the psychological to complete the psychological changes of the students are learning psychology, all want to learn, all feel fresh, all rely on the teacher, always feel that others will forgive you, will help you; in the work, work will not do or do not meet HERSHEY'S tend to himself the new scholars as an excuse, will stay my own way. While the occupation the person's psychology is, why do? What did I do wrong? Should how to correct? I will take the initiative to find the causes and solutions. This is the new recruits students to quickly change the psychological. Three, in the action to realize the transformation of College Students' action, or the executive power is relatively weak, this is one of the problems to resolve key entry. In most cases, the enterprise needs is not a thinker, but the doer. Therefore, college students should change in the school to talk, like to argue the patterns of behavior, to train themselves into an action master. Four, in the ability to realize the transformation of college students after the entry, often in the face of their own work and the university is not consistent. That is to say after the entry, themselves often have to spare to learn many things. This point is very important. Become an admirable workplace expert.

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