早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
(1) These principles were served to guide the development of Communicative Approach and curriculum for a general second language programme,task-based activities,authentic communication,teaching strategies and etc.(e.g.Breen and Candlin,1980; Canale and Swain,1980; Tohnson,1981;Canale,1983).
Breen and Candlin (1980) also presented some potential feature of Communicative Approach in terms of a curriculum framework in their article “The essentials of communicative curriculum in Language teaching” and proposed a set of principles on which particular curriculum designs can be based for implementation in particular situations and circumstances.Thus,task-based activities entered the language field from the educational mainstream.Long (1985) suggested that a task is nothing more or less than the things people do in everyday life,such as buying shoes,finding destinations,and writing cheques.
(1) These principles were served to guide the development of Communicative Approach and curriculum for a general second language programme,task-based activities,authentic communication,teaching strategies and etc.(e.g.Breen and Candlin,1980; Canale and Swain,1980; Tohnson,1981;Canale,1983).
Breen and Candlin (1980) also presented some potential feature of Communicative Approach in terms of a curriculum framework in their article “The essentials of communicative curriculum in Language teaching” and proposed a set of principles on which particular curriculum designs can be based for implementation in particular situations and circumstances.Thus,task-based activities entered the language field from the educational mainstream.Long (1985) suggested that a task is nothing more or less than the things people do in everyday life,such as buying shoes,finding destinations,and writing cheques.
(1)这些原则有助于指导交际教学法和课程发展的第二语言程序,基于任务的活动,正宗的沟通,教学策略等(例如,1980年布林和坎德林的旅游Canale和Swain,1980年; 1981年Tohnson,卡纳莱,1983).布林和坎德林的(1980)也提出了一些潜在的功能交际教学法的课程架构在他们的文章在“交际在语言教学课程”的要点,并提出了一系列的原则特别是课程设计,可以根据实施的具体情况和环境.因此,基于任务的活动进入了英语语言领域的主流教育.龙(1985)认为,任务是什么高于或低于人们在日常生活中做的事情,如购买鞋时,发现目标,并书面检查.
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