早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.他想成为著名歌手的梦想很难实现.(用上 dream)
2.说实话,当时我真的没想伤害你.(用上 to be honest)
3.这部电影是根据一位著名小说家的一部小说改编的.(用上 be based on)
4.他是我唯一可以依赖的人.(用上 rely on)
5.他坚持说一切都是偶然发生的.(用上 by chance)
6.虽然我们对获胜很有信心,但最终我们还是输了比赛.(用上 be confident about )
7.多读几遍你就会熟悉那些科技用语.(用上 be familiar with )
8.汤姆提出的那个计划必须被立即执行.(用上 come up with )
1.他想成为著名歌手的梦想很难实现.(用上 dream)
2.说实话,当时我真的没想伤害你.(用上 to be honest)
3.这部电影是根据一位著名小说家的一部小说改编的.(用上 be based on)
4.他是我唯一可以依赖的人.(用上 rely on)
5.他坚持说一切都是偶然发生的.(用上 by chance)
6.虽然我们对获胜很有信心,但最终我们还是输了比赛.(用上 be confident about )
7.多读几遍你就会熟悉那些科技用语.(用上 be familiar with )
8.汤姆提出的那个计划必须被立即执行.(用上 come up with )
1.His dream of being a famous singer can hardly be achieved
2.To be honest,I wouldn't want to hurt you at that moment.
3.The film is based on a novel wrote by a famous novelist
4.He is the only one I can rely on
5.He insist that all were happened by chance
6.Though we were confident about winning,we finally lost the game
7.You will be familiar with those technology words after reading them for many times
8.Tom's plan must be come up with immediatly
2.To be honest,I wouldn't want to hurt you at that moment.
3.The film is based on a novel wrote by a famous novelist
4.He is the only one I can rely on
5.He insist that all were happened by chance
6.Though we were confident about winning,we finally lost the game
7.You will be familiar with those technology words after reading them for many times
8.Tom's plan must be come up with immediatly
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