早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1,The ___ man lives in a ___ village.
A,alone,lonely B,lonely ,lonely C,lonely,alone D,alone,alone
2,She lives ___ ,but she doesn’t feel ___.
A,alone,lonely B,lonely ,lonely C,lonely,alone D,alone,alone
3,The ___ necklace was returned by the police.
A,stealing B,stolen C,having stolen D,being stolen
4,It’s an unusual taxi.It’s very____.
A,not common B,usually C,used to D,ordinary
5,He was asked ___ a businessman to fly to Rockall and he refused .
A,from B,by C,with D,out of
6,When I asked him ,he ____ to tell me the truth.
A,denied B,denies C,refuses D,refused
7,-How are you?-- __ well,thank you.
A,Too B,Very C,So D,Enough
8.You cant __ the road when you see the red light.
A,cross B,across C,to cross D,crossing
9,You cant __ the road when you see the red light.
A,to cross B,across C,walk across D,crossing
10.- __ I do my homework now?-- No,you needn’t.
A,Can B,Must C,May D,Shall
11,You ______any help,do you?
A.don’t need B.needn’t C.need D.doesn’t need
12 Tom____ get up a little earlier tomorrow.
A.needs B.needed C.need to D.needs to
13.Need the doctor ________ with you tonight?
A.staying B.stay C.stays D.to stay
A,alone,lonely B,lonely ,lonely C,lonely,alone D,alone,alone
2,She lives ___ ,but she doesn’t feel ___.
A,alone,lonely B,lonely ,lonely C,lonely,alone D,alone,alone
3,The ___ necklace was returned by the police.
A,stealing B,stolen C,having stolen D,being stolen
4,It’s an unusual taxi.It’s very____.
A,not common B,usually C,used to D,ordinary
5,He was asked ___ a businessman to fly to Rockall and he refused .
A,from B,by C,with D,out of
6,When I asked him ,he ____ to tell me the truth.
A,denied B,denies C,refuses D,refused
7,-How are you?-- __ well,thank you.
A,Too B,Very C,So D,Enough
8.You cant __ the road when you see the red light.
A,cross B,across C,to cross D,crossing
9,You cant __ the road when you see the red light.
A,to cross B,across C,walk across D,crossing
10.- __ I do my homework now?-- No,you needn’t.
A,Can B,Must C,May D,Shall
11,You ______any help,do you?
A.don’t need B.needn’t C.need D.doesn’t need
12 Tom____ get up a little earlier tomorrow.
A.needs B.needed C.need to D.needs to
13.Need the doctor ________ with you tonight?
A.staying B.stay C.stays D.to stay
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