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Langfang (廊坊), Hebei province, China, is a prefecture-level city located approximately midway between Beijing and Tianjin with a total population of 3.85 million and an urban area population of 763,700. Its total area is around 6,429 km². Langfang borders Baoding to the southwest, Cangzhou to the south (both prefecture-level cities of Hebei), Beijing to the north and Tianjin to the east. It is the smallest prefecture-level division in Hebei province by land area.
Considering Langfang’s position between these two prominent cities, Langfang is a relatively green city. Every 300 to 500 meters along the city's major streets are parks where local people stroll and take exercise. Langfang's five-kilometer long pedestrian street is now the longest in China
Langfang's economy is developing with an emphasis on computers and technology, such that some have dubbed it "China’s Silicon Valley." One recent development is the Oriental University City (东方大学城). Having begun construction in October 1999, the complex was built in less than 3 years at a 4-billion yuan investment, and some 30 universities have been established here with a combined enrollment of about 50,000 students.
Considering Langfang’s position between these two prominent cities, Langfang is a relatively green city. Every 300 to 500 meters along the city's major streets are parks where local people stroll and take exercise. Langfang's five-kilometer long pedestrian street is now the longest in China
Langfang's economy is developing with an emphasis on computers and technology, such that some have dubbed it "China’s Silicon Valley." One recent development is the Oriental University City (东方大学城). Having begun construction in October 1999, the complex was built in less than 3 years at a 4-billion yuan investment, and some 30 universities have been established here with a combined enrollment of about 50,000 students.
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