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Mr.Venizelos told the European Union officials that the government “aimed to win the vote of confidence tonight,not to continue alone with the support only of members of Parliament from the governing Pasok party but to achieve the greatest possible consensus and cooperation for the benefit of the country and subsequently form a government reflecting this consensus,” the Finance Ministry said in a statement.
...with the support (only) (of members of Parliament from the governing Pasok party...
of 短语作定语,限定 the support),not only 拆开,既是关联词,only 又在句中表示 “仅仅 adv”的意思;
but(also 这个关联词后的also可以省略,仅保留并列连词 but) (to achieve the greatest possible consensus and cooperation for the benefit of the country 不定式短语,表示目的,与not to continue...并列)and subsequently form a government reflecting this consensus,”