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注意: 1. 周记的开头已为你写好。
2. 词数不少于60。
提示词:小广告 adlets

Last week, our class organized a voluntary activity in subway cars.___________________

Last week, our class organized a voluntary activity in subway cars.
On Friday, we held a class meeting to discuss what we could do at the weekend. Some suggested telling passengers to keep the subway cars clean, while the others preferred to pick up adlets and litter. Finally we decided to do the latter.
At 9:00 on Sunday morning, plastic bags in our hands, we gathered at the school gate and headed for the subway station. Upon arrival, we started to work. It was not so easy as we had expected because some adlets were stuck to the floor and seats. Seeing what we were doing, many passengers smiled at us in approval. Soon the subway cars became clean again. Two hours later, our work was finished. When we piled the litter bags on the platform, a conductor praised us with her thumb up. Though tired, we felt proud and happy.


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