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I can’t think of a better way of appreciating a new culture than by taking part in one of its festivals. Some festivals are celebrated by an entire country while others many be unique to a single city. Festivals play an important role in a certain culture. Just enjoy them!

Batalla del Vino—Haro Spain

For many years June 29th is a good day to visit Haro Spain. Bring a bottle of wine and prepare to be washed in red wine in the heart of Spain’s grape-growing area. After a church ceremony crowds flock(集结)to the hills for the battle where white shirts will be made bright purple by the end of the morning.

Bay to Breakers—San Francisco California

Created after the terrible 1906 earthquake as a way of encouraging people the race has become one of the region’s most important events. Held every year on the third Sunday of May the race runs through the city from the Bay to the Pacific Breakers. The real highlight however is the thousands of people dressed up in a show.

Pillow Fight Day—Worldwide

These events are organized mainly through the Internet. Tens of thousands of people participated in the 4th annual International Pillow Fight Day on April 2 2013. From London to Vancouver to many other cities the festivals were held in more than 100 countries. So just bring a soft pillow in early April and watch feathers flying.

Koninginnedag— The Netherlands

Although their Queen’s birthday is really during the winter she celebrates it on April 30th — the country’s official “Queen’s Day” since 1949.

Orange is the national color and the streets become a sea of shining wigs(假发)and body paints as crowds gather in the squares and on boats in the canals. Amsterdam is the center of this outdoor party but nearly every town is alive with orange on this day.

1.People celebrated Batalla del Vino by ____.

A.wearing bright purple shirts

B.pouring wine onto others’ white shirts

C.flocking to the hills after a ceremony

D.holding a drinking wine competition

2.The underlined word “highlight” in the passage means ____.

A.the most exciting part B.the brightest part

C.the highest part D.the hardest part

3.Which of the festivals has the shortest history?

A.Batalla del Vino. B.Bay to Breakers.

C.Pillow Fight Day. D.Koninginnedag.

4.Which of the statements is NOT true?

A.June 29th is a good day to visit Haro Spain.

B.The race is held every year to encourage people.

C.Pillow Fight Day is held in more than 100 countries.

D.The Queen of the Netherlands was born on April 30th.

1.B2.A3.C4.D分 析:本文介绍的是各个国家的节日风俗和一些有趣的民俗,人民是如何庆祝那些具有传统特色的节日。1.After a church ceremony crowds flock(集结)to the hills for the battle where white ...