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Shangqiu is located in Asia-Europe mainland on the east coast of China,east of China,referred to as the operator or the song,as the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties,historical and cultural city in China,with more than five thousand years build city history,as traders,commodity,commercial Shangqiu originated in the Shang Dynasty,based in Shangqiu,Shangqiu is known as " the three source of business China business ",is ancient call business,Bo,sung,beam country,Sui,song,Songcheng,Nanjing,Germany,should be Tianfu palace and return.Shangqiu the Yellow Sea East,West,north,South China Qilu choke Lapel JAC,Longhai Railway and the Beijing-Kowloon Railway,to hang with Xu Lan high-speed rail,even Huo Guang high speed,with 105 and 310 National Road,in the urban area of Shangqiu interchange,area advantageous,traffic develops,important for China 's comprehensive transport hub and trade logistics center Eurasian Continental Bridge in China,some important center city area of Central Plains economy,economy of the eastpart part,traffic and business center.
Shangqiu is located in Asia-Europe mainland on the east coast of China,east of China,referred to as the operator or the song,as the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties,historical and cultural city in China,with more than five thousand years build city history,as traders,commodity,commercial Shangqiu originated in the Shang Dynasty,based in Shangqiu,Shangqiu is known as " the three source of business China business ",is ancient call business,Bo,sung,beam country,Sui,song,Songcheng,Nanjing,Germany,should be Tianfu palace and return.Shangqiu the Yellow Sea East,West,north,South China Qilu choke Lapel JAC,Longhai Railway and the Beijing-Kowloon Railway,to hang with Xu Lan high-speed rail,even Huo Guang high speed,with 105 and 310 National Road,in the urban area of Shangqiu interchange,area advantageous,traffic develops,important for China 's comprehensive transport hub and trade logistics center Eurasian Continental Bridge in China,some important center city area of Central Plains economy,economy of the eastpart part,traffic and business center.
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