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Talking about the pet animals,most people will think it is a popular topic,for more and more people raise pets in the cities.Surely enough,animals are our human friends and they can bring people much happiness and comfort.With the comfort from pet animals,young kids can learn how to love and the old will not feel lonely.Some people even regard the pet animals as their family members.We should say that pet animals play an important part in the human life,especially in the city life where there are always crowds,traffics and buildings.Meanwhile,we have to say that pet animals have brought us new problems,such as ,trashes,noise ,the uncontroled birth of the animals and the homeless animals.Therefore,we have to spend much more time and money to solve these problems.Generally speaking,we are able to solve the problems that the pet animals have brought us so that we can create a peaceful and friendly world for our human beings and the pet animals as well.
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