早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
java 考试题 请求各位大神帮个忙 能答多少 答多少 人多力量大 谢谢大家了。!!
1) Write a method that receives two int parameters and returns the smaller
of the two values. Call your method getSmaller.
2) Write a method that receives two String objects and returns true if the
two Strings start with the same character (ignoring case) and false
3) Using the Die class, write a method that will use two Die, roll them
100 times and return the number of times that the sum of the two is
7 or 11.
For questions 4 and 5, write the requested portions of a class called Employee.
4) An Employee will have a name, social security number, position, and
hourly wages. Define the instance data for this class.
5) Write a method that is passed the int value of the number of hours worked
for the week as a parameter, and returns the pay for the Employee,
including overtime, which is 1.5 * hourly wages for each hour over 40.
1) Write a method that receives two int parameters and returns the smaller
of the two values. Call your method getSmaller.
2) Write a method that receives two String objects and returns true if the
two Strings start with the same character (ignoring case) and false
3) Using the Die class, write a method that will use two Die, roll them
100 times and return the number of times that the sum of the two is
7 or 11.
For questions 4 and 5, write the requested portions of a class called Employee.
4) An Employee will have a name, social security number, position, and
hourly wages. Define the instance data for this class.
5) Write a method that is passed the int value of the number of hours worked
for the week as a parameter, and returns the pay for the Employee,
including overtime, which is 1.5 * hourly wages for each hour over 40.
public int getSmaller(int a,int b){
return a;
return b;
public boolean checkFirstLetter(String a,String b){
return true;
return false;
public class Employee {
private String name="小明";
private String socialSecurityNumber="abcdefg";
private String position="图书管理员";
private Float hourlyWages=5.0f;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getSocialSecurityNumber() {
return socialSecurityNumber;
public String getPosition() {
return position;
public Float getHourlyWages() {
return hourlyWages;
public Float getPayForEmployee(int hour){
Float wages=0f;
Employee e=new Employee();
if(hour >40){
return wages;
public int getSmaller(int a,int b){
return a;
return b;
public boolean checkFirstLetter(String a,String b){
return true;
return false;
public class Employee {
private String name="小明";
private String socialSecurityNumber="abcdefg";
private String position="图书管理员";
private Float hourlyWages=5.0f;
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getSocialSecurityNumber() {
return socialSecurityNumber;
public String getPosition() {
return position;
public Float getHourlyWages() {
return hourlyWages;
public Float getPayForEmployee(int hour){
Float wages=0f;
Employee e=new Employee();
if(hour >40){
return wages;
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