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世界之窗(Window of the world)有60多个主要景点,是全国著名的主题公园之一
世界之窗的埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)尽管只有100多米高,但很逼真
曼哈顿(Manhattan)高层建筑和自由女神像(the Statue of Liberty)模型是最美丽的景点
世界之窗(Window of the world)有60多个主要景点,是全国著名的主题公园之一
世界之窗的埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)尽管只有100多米高,但很逼真
曼哈顿(Manhattan)高层建筑和自由女神像(the Statue of Liberty)模型是最美丽的景点
1. Window of the World has over 60 scenic spots, and is one of the most famous theme parks in the country.
2. There are models of a wide variety of scenic spots around of the world, and many ponds and lakes in the park.
3. The Eiffel Tower model in the Window of the World is very vivid although it is only more than 100 meters high.
4. The models of skyscrappers in Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty are among the must-go's.
5. Various carnivals are frequently held in the Window of the World, which is a good resort for people.
2. There are models of a wide variety of scenic spots around of the world, and many ponds and lakes in the park.
3. The Eiffel Tower model in the Window of the World is very vivid although it is only more than 100 meters high.
4. The models of skyscrappers in Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty are among the must-go's.
5. Various carnivals are frequently held in the Window of the World, which is a good resort for people.
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