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并且目前双方都催促双方的货运代理争取货物赶上3月30日的船,目前CIC只同意将信用证上的最迟发货期更改至2010年4月2日.而信用证的有效期也必须和预付款保函上的有效期保持一致,只能延至2010年6月30日,否则they will have the risk for the down payment.(或者Zicc同意延期保函,他们可以考虑将信用的有效期效应延长)
CIC表示 如果Zicc后面因为安装的问题而需要办理信用证的延期 他们可以协助办理
And is currently both sides to urge the two sides fight for cargo freight forwarding March 30 to catch up with the ship,now CIC only agreed to the letter of credit no later than the delivery period of change to the April 2,2010.The validity of the letter of credit and prepayments must also be consistent with the validity of the bond can only be postponed to June 30,2010,otherwise they will have the risk for the down payment.(Or Zicc agreed to postpone bond,they can consider the validity of the effects of the credit extended)
CIC said that if Zicc because of installation problems behind the need to apply for the extension of letters of credit that they can assist in the