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The broadcast television has been in prominent and the important position in the now mass media,compares with other mass media,he except the propagation velocity,the coverage is broad,effectiveness strong,audiences widespread superiority outside,but also some characteristic which does not have substitutes,is in the dissemination has the radio announcer and the director makes noise acts to serve directly for the audience audience.The radio announcer and the director are in the broadcast television media public figures,they are in the broadcast television transmission information source and the information accept between the terminal the intermediary.Our country people broadcast the enterprise Yenan New China Broadcast Station to start take December 30,1940 to broadcast as the birth symbol,was radio announcer's sound announced this news.Therefore,the ideological level is in the director quality basis,it is not only a social person's thought foundation,moreover the director takes the television organization representative,takes a program's symbol,its viewpoint,the opinion not only relate the television organization the prestige,will affect the entire society.Therefore,the director must first probably have the intense social responsibilities,the high political thinking standard,the deep knowledge inside story,the outstanding language competence.

与“朝发白帝,暮到江陵,其间千二百里,虽乘奔御风不以疾也”相似的诗句急呀、、、还有就是与"不畏浮云  2020-05-22 …

骈体文是什么说清楚另外再说出两篇还有就是与朱元思书表达了作者什么思想感情  2020-06-11 …

熟话说,头痛治头,脚痛治脚,现想用一成语表达,什么成语好呢?还有就是与之意思相反的成语又是什么?  2020-06-20 …

乳液与空气接触会坏吗?我刚买了一款柏莱雅补水护肤品,晚上用不小心把乳液的瓶子打坏,瓶子上方的1/1  2020-07-11 …

精确到几位与有几个有效数字的问题例如4.8万精确到()位,有()个有效数字6.23×10³精确到(  2020-07-29 …

为什么脂肪中的C/H比例高,它释放的能量就比糖高?这里指的是C与H的比例还是C和H的比例呀?还有就  2020-07-30 …

没有差距,就没有效率。下面有关效率的说法中,错误的是()A.效率是指经济活动中产出与投入的比率,它表  2020-11-29 …

效率与公平是一对矛盾体,两者看似不可调和,却又互相依存。没有无效率的公平,也不可能存在不公平的效率。  2021-01-28 …

效率与公平是一对矛盾体,两者看似不可调和,却又互相依存。没有无效率的公平,也不可能存在不公平的效率。  2021-01-28 …

什么时候考虑同离子效应,什么时候考虑水解?比如将NH4Cl加入氨水中,PH会减小,就是因为同离子效应  2021-02-01 …