早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
many students wrongly assume that a university education will ensure them better jobs
为题写篇作文 字数在120字左右,写两篇.决不食言.
many students wrongly assume that a university education will ensure them better jobs
为题写篇作文 字数在120字左右,写两篇.决不食言.
Can college graduates gurantee a good job
Many students believe that a univeristy diploma may gurantee them better job.However,this assumption is now been considered fallacious.Statistic shows that 20 percent of the college graduates in China this year are still having problems with finding a decent job.Nowadays,a college diploma is no longer a passcard for obtaining a decent job.stats show that students major in science are more likely to find a job they would love.
Many students believe that a univeristy diploma may gurantee them better job.However,this assumption is now been considered fallacious.Statistic shows that 20 percent of the college graduates in China this year are still having problems with finding a decent job.Nowadays,a college diploma is no longer a passcard for obtaining a decent job.stats show that students major in science are more likely to find a job they would love.
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