早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
when our six children were young,Suppertime is always being inrerrupted by neighborhood children .ring the bell ,They wanted one child or another to come out and played ,Finally we had a good idea ,We hung a sign on the font door that reed :"We are having dinner ,Come later,''That night we sat down to what they bought ,it would be a pleasant uninterrupted meal ,And as soon as we began dinner ,the doorbell rang ,At the front door .Stood an einght -years-old boy.He looked up to us ,Saying''I just want to know how the sign says.'
比如 is--was
when our six children were young,Suppertime is always being inrerrupted by neighborhood children .ring the bell ,They wanted one child or another to come out and played ,Finally we had a good idea ,We hung a sign on the font door that reed :"We are having dinner ,Come later,''That night we sat down to what they bought ,it would be a pleasant uninterrupted meal ,And as soon as we began dinner ,the doorbell rang ,At the front door .Stood an einght -years-old boy.He looked up to us ,Saying''I just want to know how the sign says.'
比如 is--was
when our six children were young,Suppertime is always being inrerrupted by neighborhood children .ring the bell ,They wanted one child or another to come out and played ,Finally we had a good idea ,We hung a sign on the font door that reed :"We are having dinner ,Come later,''That night we sat down to what they bought ,it would be a pleasant uninterrupted meal ,And as soon as we began dinner ,the doorbell rang ,At the front door .Stood an einght -years-old boy.He looked up to us ,Saying''I just want to know how the sign says.'
when our six children were young,Suppertime was always inrerrupted by neighborhood children ringing the bell ,They wanted one child or another to come out and played ,Finally we had a good idea ,We hung a sign on the front door that read :"We are having dinner ,Come later,''That night we sat down to what they bought ,it would be a pleasant uninterrupted meal .Then as soon as we began dinner ,the doorbell rang .At the front door ,stood an eight -years-old boy.He looked up to us ,saying''I just want to know what the sign says.
when our six children were young,Suppertime was always inrerrupted by neighborhood children ringing the bell ,They wanted one child or another to come out and played ,Finally we had a good idea ,We hung a sign on the front door that read :"We are having dinner ,Come later,''That night we sat down to what they bought ,it would be a pleasant uninterrupted meal .Then as soon as we began dinner ,the doorbell rang .At the front door ,stood an eight -years-old boy.He looked up to us ,saying''I just want to know what the sign says.
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