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拜托不要用翻译机器 google金山什么的我还是看得出来的,诚心求翻译,用机器的绕行.
The Spring Festival is sixteen years old in the plane destined for the United States spent. After the plane stayed in the Sheraton in Philadelphia, where he and his organizing committee with the Model UN from around the world leader in their acquaintance. Different color, but can communicate with a smile. I was together with another female representative of the United States of Lithuania, in order to urgently discuss the draft we are almost living in the other room, we focus on the same topic to forget me, a busy international students in the conference room smiling, although not the same as the place of traditional Chinese firecracker dumplings but did not leave their homes alone, in addition to passion and debate, but also understand that the kind of cooperation and exchanges. Although I had after the "nomination" and did not get the best representative, but the whole busy but substantial enough to make me return home after the meeting is still reluctant to travel.
There is no flood in the time of fracture. And continuously to network, extending to no end to the spirit. All of the boundary is no longer a border, is no longer an exotic foreign country. And I see my position in the center of the world, the world's rotation is in order.

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