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商务英语听力Communication at Work,求英语原文,急
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在百度搜索:英语听力 Communication at Work;搜索显示在线英语听力室的就是.求高手给听力里面的英语原文,
那个文件太长啦,13分钟呢,我看里面好像就是有一个短文,然后后面有一大堆的解说,关于一些key vocabulary和它们的用法啥的.把短文大致听了一下,你将就用吧.
Good communication at work
An important factor in a company success is good communication among its employees.The most successful companies have it network of informal and formal communication that the management supports.Although managers believe they have given clear instructions,often employees have failed to understand them.When managers giving instructions,they should make sure that they have been understood correctly.
Employees find it harder to communicate with other employees who have higher position in the company.People of the same position may talk openly to one the other about how things going,but are less honest with someone higher of the company.They often filter information and change the fact to tell the boss what he wants to hear.When we reducing the distance between the employer and the employees,is to cut down the way in which the employees can show their higher position in the company.
In Japanese companies for example,it is usual for all staff to wear the same uniform,many companies have common dinning area for all staff.The office's layout and distance between the employees can affect how will they communicate.
The farther way one person is from another the less often they communicate.Some research has shown that when the distance is more than 10 meters,the chance of the communicating at least once a week is 8%,if someone is less than 5 meters away,the chance of the communicating at least once a week rises 25%,therefore the office's layout should be carefully planned.
Open planned offices for examples,are designed for quick and easy communication between staff.One of the most important lesson for all managers to remember is the communication is 2-way process,they should encourage their employees to ask questions and they should always try to get the feedback from their employers.
Good communication at work
An important factor in a company success is good communication among its employees.The most successful companies have it network of informal and formal communication that the management supports.Although managers believe they have given clear instructions,often employees have failed to understand them.When managers giving instructions,they should make sure that they have been understood correctly.
Employees find it harder to communicate with other employees who have higher position in the company.People of the same position may talk openly to one the other about how things going,but are less honest with someone higher of the company.They often filter information and change the fact to tell the boss what he wants to hear.When we reducing the distance between the employer and the employees,is to cut down the way in which the employees can show their higher position in the company.
In Japanese companies for example,it is usual for all staff to wear the same uniform,many companies have common dinning area for all staff.The office's layout and distance between the employees can affect how will they communicate.
The farther way one person is from another the less often they communicate.Some research has shown that when the distance is more than 10 meters,the chance of the communicating at least once a week is 8%,if someone is less than 5 meters away,the chance of the communicating at least once a week rises 25%,therefore the office's layout should be carefully planned.
Open planned offices for examples,are designed for quick and easy communication between staff.One of the most important lesson for all managers to remember is the communication is 2-way process,they should encourage their employees to ask questions and they should always try to get the feedback from their employers.
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