Rick Bill David Jack 和 Tom是美国一家研究所的员工,他们正在寻找度假的地方,要亲眼看看全球气候变暖对地球的影响。下面(A B C D E和F)是Mother Nature Network提供的在不久的将来因全球气候变暖可能要消失的6个地方的有关信息,请你从中选出最适合他们去的地方。选项中有一项是多余选项。
61. Rick: I love nature. I think any place in nature is beautiful and worth protecting. However more and more lands are becoming deserts. I’d like to go to a place which will let me have a close look at the landscape before it is swallowed by deserts.
62. Bill: I love sea so do my wife and my son. I’d like to stay in a place for some time with my family to experience the sea thoroughly—to see it with my own eyes; to smell it with my own nose; and to feel it with my own body.
63. David: I want to get some information that will be of some help to see the damage pollution has done to corals so that we may have some idea to prevent them from disappearing completely.
64. Jack: I love nature but I don’t like travel long way. I don’t want to go to other countries. I plan to go to some place in my own country to see glaciers before it’s too late.
65. Tom: I love nature and I also love travel. I plan to go to an area where climate-related disasters may happen so that I will collect some information for my research work although it may be a little dangerous.
Globe warming is a serious problem. Climate change is rapidly altering the landscape of our planet. We may be one of the last generations to see some of the Earth's most cherished places. Here's our list of 6 places to see before they completely disappear.
A. Glacier National Park Just slightly more than 100 years ago there were as many as 150 glaciers dotted throughout Glacier National Park in the north of the U S A. By 2005 only 27 remained and those are expected to disappear completely by 2030 if not earlier. Many of the plant and animal species that call the park home require cold water meaning the ecosystem of the park stands to change dramatically when the glaciers are gone. | B. Great Barrier Reef It's so large that it can be seen from space but the Great Barrier Reef is disappearing at an increased rate because of climate change. Rising ocean temperatures water pollution ocean acidification and cyclones continually hit the reef and have caused mass coral bleaching. What took 8 000 years for nature to build could disappear within our lifetimes. |
C. Maldives Maldives is the lowest-lying country in the world with a maximum natural ground level of 2.3 meters (7 feet 7 inches) and an average of only 1.5 meters (4 feet 11 inches) above sea level. If sea levels rise too much the country would earn an unwanted superlative: the first nation to be swallowed by the ocean because of global warming. | D. Patagonia A land of untouched beauty South America's Patagonia stands to be dramatically altered by climate change. Many of its glaciers are steadfastly retreating due to rising temperatures and declining rainfall. While this land doesn't stand to disappear entirely its landscape may soon be altered beyond recognition if global warming persists. |
E. Bangladesh Set in the low-lying Ganges–Brahmaputra River Delta Bangladesh sits in a perfect storm of climactic conditions. About 50 percent of the area would be flooded if the sea level were to rise by 1 meter. Bangladesh also lies at the heart of the monsoon belt. Natural calamities such as floods tropical cyclones tornadoes and tidal bores(怒潮)occur here almost every year — with tragic results. | F. South Australia Much like the Sahara in Africa desertification also threatens South Australia. Across the region fresh water supplies are rapidly drying up. Meanwhile the parched(焦干的 )landscape increases the occurrence of wildfires threatening agriculture wildlife and hundreds of Australian homes. |
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