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说了拒绝机器 2楼的朋友!2楼的更搞笑 还装。
Western wedding is also important to select the color in the United States circulated a species related to the symbolism of the wedding colors that perhaps the meaning is: Since the color of the wedding, you will cut wishful; blue wedding that you choose yes groom; brown herald your wedding will be living in a small town; green wedding foreshadowed shame and you will see people; red wedding give themselves are under the spell of death; yellow indicates the wedding the groom you have got it wrong; black wedding or early cancellation. They are married to white as the color of choice for decoration, therefore, whether in a new house or in the wedding chapel are decorated with white flowers series, gives an atmosphere of quiet and Andrew; The bride wornWedding are also all white, wearing a white wedding the bride is considered pure and immaculate.纯手工!

英语翻译在这喜庆的日子里,我衷心的祝愿新郎新娘百年好合.希望在婚后的每一天幸福快乐!最后,我代表上  2020-05-13 …

英语翻译1.Maggie渴望爱情,但又对婚姻充满恐惧,她对新婚之夜和自己将来的丈夫有一种不确定感,  2020-05-14 …

新婚别中引蔓故不长中的“故”,何以拜姑嫜中的“何以”,努力事戎行中的“戎”分别是什意思?新婚别中是  2020-06-18 …

为你离婚的男人可嫁吗?:“当一个男人为了你离婚,你的第一感觉是什么?”很多人可能会毫不犹豫地说:“  2020-07-02 …

英语翻译对20090909在中国特别的一天因为"9"在中文的谐音是“久”的意思0909的意思就是“长  2020-11-04 …

(1/2)据史料记载,宋代女子吴妙静新婚之日,未婚夫在迎亲时溺水身亡,她遂出资在溺水处建造一座五孔石  2020-11-25 …

听说你结婚了英语怎么说?1.听说你结婚了./你结婚了吗?2.他们结婚15年了英语怎么说?  2020-12-07 …

英语致歉信“你因为去上海出差不能应邀出席王平的婚礼,向他致歉,同时也表示你对他们新婚的祝贺”急求英文  2020-12-23 …

已知某市青年的初婚年龄服从正态分布.现抽取1000对新婚青年,发现平均年龄调=24.5岁,样本标准差  2021-01-01 …

英语翻译1你为什么还没结婚?/你为什么至今还不结婚2你为什么还没离婚?3你为什么不和她结婚呢?/不和  2021-01-13 …