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Next month 英语作文速求不需要太高水平语法正确就可以,我要借鉴一下,没头绪
Next month will be December,a very important month for the Christians all over the world because it will be Christmas.Also a very exciting month for children in the Christain world.The celebration is no smaller than our Chinese new year,but instead of getting red packets with money in them,Children will get all sorts of presents from families and friends.Even adults give presents to each others.
During Christmas,people decorate their home with a Christmas tree hanging with plenty of decorations and beautiful lights and in recent years,people in the western world even decorate the outside of their houses with hundred or even thousand of colourful lights,making them look like the houses in the Lapland,where father Christmas lives.Some places are holding competitions too,the most beautifully decorated house will win a prize!
So next month — December will be a very busy month and a joyful month for many people all over the world.If you are a Christian then I have no doubt that you must be looking forward to that and waiting to receive your presents!So,may I say,Merry Christmas to all of you!
因为 Next month 并没有甚麼题才,所以就只能写这麼多了,但还是希望会令你满意采纳,

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