早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.He feels like____(eat) an apple.
2.A lot of children like____(swim),because it is good for health.
3.Please ask her____(arrive) to school at seven thirty tomorrow morning.
4.My father was glad____(see) his old friends yesterday.
5.When the baby herd the music,he stopped____(cry)at once.
6.Look!There is a cow____(lie) on the road.
7.We will help the farmers ____(grow) rice next week.
8.It is time____(begin) our lessons now.
9.Lots of childen enjoys____(listen) to miusic.
10.It took him one hour____(finish) his homework.
11.I spent three weeks____(finish) my work.
12.What about____(go) out for a walk?
13.Do you mind____(open) the window.
14.He practices____(speak) English every morning.
15.We are busy____(get) ready for the English exam.
16.He gave up____(learn) maths.
17.He went to the school library____(borrow) some English books.
18.Let us make a contribution to____(protect) our environment.
19.I used to____(be) a history teacher.
20.Remember____(bring) your English book here.
21.I am used to____(get) up early.
22.I remembered____(see) him in the meeting ten years ago.
23.Do not forget____(turn) off the lights when you leave.
24.I forget____(lock) my door this moring.
保证准确率!eatingswimmingto arriveto seecryinglying(to) growto beginlisteningto finishfinishinggoingopeningspeakinggettinglearningto borrowprotectingbeto bringgettingseeingto turnto lock如果可以,烦请...