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寻找范文 incident that taught you something
内容大概是叙述某件让你学到或有很深的体会的事件&经历 大约200字
内容大概是叙述某件让你学到或有很深的体会的事件&经历 大约200字
读Path picking
When you pick on path, it's natual to wonder about the others, especially if the path you've cosen gets rocky. In our whole life there will be many times for us to face the headaches, path picking, among them , some are important, the other are less, but whatever paths appear before you, all of them will take time and offorts for us to make the choice carefully so as to arrive the destination we're anticipating.
But sometimes the question is not the path picking, it's the question that we will be skeptical to what you've chosen originally, then go to other directions imagining that the sceneris of somewhere else must be more beautiful. It's natural for us. But the path you are now riding on must be stable within a certain time once you've picked it up. Actually you may go beyond the path a little sometime, so you have to be alert all the time to observe if you are in the right direction, if not, turn fine yourself onto the right one.
When you pick on path, it's natual to wonder about the others, especially if the path you've cosen gets rocky. In our whole life there will be many times for us to face the headaches, path picking, among them , some are important, the other are less, but whatever paths appear before you, all of them will take time and offorts for us to make the choice carefully so as to arrive the destination we're anticipating.
But sometimes the question is not the path picking, it's the question that we will be skeptical to what you've chosen originally, then go to other directions imagining that the sceneris of somewhere else must be more beautiful. It's natural for us. But the path you are now riding on must be stable within a certain time once you've picked it up. Actually you may go beyond the path a little sometime, so you have to be alert all the time to observe if you are in the right direction, if not, turn fine yourself onto the right one.
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