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根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话意思连贯、完整.A:What were you doing when I called you up yesterday afternoon?B:(1)__________________________________A:Hospital?What"s the matter?Are you ill?

A:What were you doing when I called you up yesterday afternoon?B:(1)__________________________________A:Hospital?What's the matter?Are you ill?Did you have an accident?B:Not quite,but almost?(2)__________________________________A:What had happened?B:I was crossing the street and was almost hit by a car.I fell down and hurt my leg.A:Have you got the number of the car?(3)_______________________________B:Before I knew what happened,the car was gone.A:I anm sure you broke the traffic rules.(4)________________________________B:You are right.I was reading the newspaper when I crossed the street.A:How dangerous!(5)_____________________________B:I think I will.
1,I was in hospital when you called me 2,It's not serenaly 3,No,4,Didn't it?5,I wish you can take more attention when you go out