早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Happiness What is happiness?There is no specific definition of it.In my opinion,a healthy body is the most important part of one’s happy life.For the majority of people,it is prerequisite to realize the value of life.In addition,love,family,work and friends are also the basic elements of happiness.The differences in living environment may make people conclude different knowledge to happiness.In the case of younger children,the reason why he is happy maybe is that he has been praised by his teacher.For parents,nothing is happier than to see their healthy children.Can money buy happiness?Someone believes that money buys happiness.I don’t agree.A man without money is poor,but a man who has just money alone is even poorer.When a millionaire racks his brain to become a billionaire,He will probably not be happy.It all depends on yourself.The true happiness,is relative,is the feeling of satisfaction under the state of psychological balance!One can have lots of money,with which he can buy whatever he wants,but at the same time he may not be happy because he is never satisfied or he is troubled by various kinds of problems.Money is very important for us to get happiness,but the most important thing in life is not money,but life itself.Money is just a tool.The Chinese people are living a happy life.In the past two decades,China's economic reform programs have lifted Chinese people out of poverty.Now,with the pace of life getting faster and faster,the pressure on the Chinese people has also become heavier and heavier.But this is a temporary situation.I’m sure China will have a bright future and Chinese people will live a happier life!
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