早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I don't know,people bring infinite beautiful,delicate and emotional letter,can not being value,this beautiful style,still can continue to exist?
Writing is sowing the process of hope and joy,Each letter,you may send letters to friends and relatives ten-day when a bonus,You can enjoy a friends to read the letter of happiness when smile.But now,relatives and friends,even between lover,love,who will be in the form of letters to each other heart?Write a passage to send out,the heart that received the induction,modern other carriers can replace,wish one day can suddenly receive a friend's hand writing letters,that will be a kind of how happy.I wish we had some wonderful memory,as in life,the remaining at writing letters letters.Let the loss of time,let it deeply buried in the heart of the most secretive,not with the old life,like the flooding,always with life
Writing is sowing the process of hope and joy,Each letter,you may send letters to friends and relatives ten-day when a bonus,You can enjoy a friends to read the letter of happiness when smile.But now,relatives and friends,even between lover,love,who will be in the form of letters to each other heart?Write a passage to send out,the heart that received the induction,modern other carriers can replace,wish one day can suddenly receive a friend's hand writing letters,that will be a kind of how happy.I wish we had some wonderful memory,as in life,the remaining at writing letters letters.Let the loss of time,let it deeply buried in the heart of the most secretive,not with the old life,like the flooding,always with life
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