早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The final examination is around the corner,and then Nancy invites Lily to go to the library to find some materials of the term paper together on Sunday(期终考试迫在眉睫,然后南茜邀请Lily去图书馆找一些材料的学期论文在星期日)
The final examination is around the corner,and then Nancy invites Lily to go to the library to find some materials of the term paper together on Sunday(期终考试迫在眉睫,然后南茜邀请Lily去图书馆找一些材料的学期论文在星期日)
L:Oh,hey,nancy.How's it going?
N:So far so good.I'm just worrying about the final examination.
L:Me,too.Remember the term paper we shall hand in on Sunday?I've not finished yet.
N:Neither have I.And we got the same topic,right?
L:Quite yes.Let's see,it's Wednesday today,we only have four days left to finish it.
N:hum,what about we go to the library to find some materials for the term paper now?
L:Good idea.And by tomorrow we can make a summary about it.
N:So if there's something wrong,we still have time to put it right.
L:What to wait for?Let's head to the library right away.
L:Oh,hey,nancy.How's it going?
N:So far so good.I'm just worrying about the final examination.
L:Me,too.Remember the term paper we shall hand in on Sunday?I've not finished yet.
N:Neither have I.And we got the same topic,right?
L:Quite yes.Let's see,it's Wednesday today,we only have four days left to finish it.
N:hum,what about we go to the library to find some materials for the term paper now?
L:Good idea.And by tomorrow we can make a summary about it.
N:So if there's something wrong,we still have time to put it right.
L:What to wait for?Let's head to the library right away.
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