早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1. He usually _____ (get) up early, but he _____ (get) up very late this morning.
2. Tom says he _____ (leave) for Beijing next week if it _____ (not rain).
3. I was doing my homework when the light _____ (go) out.
4. Mr. Smith isn’t in at the moment. He _____ (leave) a moment ago.
5. The students all _____ (stop) talking when the teacher _____ (come) in.
6. He _____ (lose) his pen when he _____ (take) a walk in the park.
7. _____ you _____ (see) a horse with one eye?
8. Li Ping _____ (be) to Taiwan twice.
9. She _____ (lend) them some money several weeks ago. But they _____
(not give) it back.
10. How often _____ Lucy _____ (help) Granny Wang to clean the house?

1.gets,got     2.will leave,doesn’t rain 3.went 4.left 5.stopped,came 6.lost,was taking 7.Have,seen 8.has been 9.lent,haven’t given   10.does,help