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"Charlie and the chocolate factory" is the world fantasy LuoErDe master's written, and reach. Just saw the pages, is the book lifelike characters attracted attention, and began to read it.
The story is about: Charlie family was poor, near their house has one of the world's largest chocolate factory. One day the chocolate factory master willy. Popular card in 5 of the gentleman that he ordinary chocolate packaging were put 5 gold, gold of a lottery to get a lottery children can visit chocolate factory, still can have a lifetime all eat candy. Poor Charlie through the three attempts to, eventually found gold voucher, become the last a lucky dog.
Visit the process of chocolate factory is a singular experience. Every visitors were surprised and
The story is about: Charlie family was poor, near their house has one of the world's largest chocolate factory. One day the chocolate factory master willy. Popular card in 5 of the gentleman that he ordinary chocolate packaging were put 5 gold, gold of a lottery to get a lottery children can visit chocolate factory, still can have a lifetime all eat candy. Poor Charlie through the three attempts to, eventually found gold voucher, become the last a lucky dog.
Visit the process of chocolate factory is a singular experience. Every visitors were surprised and
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车间里有若干名工人,走了10名男工后,男工人数是女工人数的2倍;又走了9名女工后,男工人数是女工人 2020-06-15 …
某工厂原有工人公240人,其中女工占3/5,又招收了一批女工后,女工现在占全厂工人总数的5/8,现 2020-07-09 …
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2008年3月14日,十一届全国人大会议批准了温家宝总理代表国务院作的《政府工作报告》。这是一份充分 2020-12-19 …
某工厂原来有400名工人,其中男工人数占全厂总人数的37.5%.现在工厂又招收了一批男工后这时男工人 2020-12-21 …