早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


       When they go to the new supermarket,all the housewives (家庭主妇) have one great wish:to be the lucky
customer so that they needn't pay for their shopping.For some weeks,Mrs Edward hopes,like many of her
friends,to be the lucky customer.Unlike her friends,she never gives up (放弃).The cupboards (碗橱) in her
kitchen are full of things which she doesn't need,Her husband (丈夫) persuades (劝说) her to stop buying
things that she doesn't need,but it is of no use.She dreams (梦想) that her lucky day is coming. 
      One Friday afternoon,after she finishes her shopping and is taking the things to her car,she finds that she
forgets to buy some tea.She goes back to the supermarket,gets the tea and goes to the cashier (收银台).She
sees the manager (经理) come up to her."Madam," he says,holding (伸出) out his hand."I want to congratulate
you!You are our lucky customer and everything you have in your basket is free."
1.The customer in the supermarket ________. [     ]
A.wants to go around the supermarket.
B.doesn't have to pay for shopping.
C.wishes to know what to buy.
D.could get free things if she / he is lucky.
2."customer" means (意思) in Chinese (中文) ________. [     ]
3.Mrs Edward husband ________ things which she is not in need of. [     ]
A.likes his wife buying
B.enjoys her being the lucky customer
C.can't stop her from buying
D.would like her to buy
4.Mrs Edward gets her free things ________. [     ]
A.on Sundays
B.in the evening
C.on Friday
D.with her husband
5.The main purpose (主要目的) of the passage (短文) is to tell us not to ________. [     ]
A.do shopping at a new supermarket.
B.go back to the supermarket after you leave it
C.go shopping on Friday,because some people think it is an unlucky day.
D.dream of getting lots of things free at any shop

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