早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




 Martin: We' re doing our presentation to the seminar (研讨会) group next Monday. 1.(Can / May) you email its   members right away?

Linda: 2. (Must / Should) I do it now?

Martin: Well wc 3. (must have told /should have told) them earlier really.

Linda: Oh all right then.


Neil: I've had an email about Martin and Linda's presentation on Monday.

Ellie: That's strange I haven’t. Do you think I 4. (must / ought to) call them?

Neil: No you 5. (mustn't / don't have to) . It's probably not connected with your research area.


Neil: Hi Martin. V ve come a bit early in case you

wanted help to get the room ready. But I see I 6. (needn t bother / needn’t have bothered) . You’ve got everything organised.

Martin: Isn’ t Ellie with you?

Neil: No she didn't get an email from you so we

thought the presentation wasn't relevant to her work.

Martin: Oh dear. Linda 7. (must send /must have sent) the email to the wrong address.

Neil: Where is she now? She 8. (must /should) be here.

Martin: I don't know. She 9. (must have forgotten / should have forgotten) we’ re doing this presentation. She's  so unreliable.

1. Can   2. Should   3. should have told4. ought to   5. don't have to6. needn’ t. have bothered   7. must have sent8. should   9. must have forgotten