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翻译 Bookings are such that it would need to be spread over at leapt fur line,possibly more
澳大利亚的代理商给公司发了一封邮件,但其中有一段话“It is likely that no individual line would initially guarantee space for 50 - 100 teu per week. It would need to be spread between more than one line.FYI, at the moment no line ex Melbourne would be able to carry this cargo in one lot. Bookings are such that it would need to be spread over at leapt fur lines, possibly more.”
澳大利亚的代理商给公司发了一封邮件,但其中有一段话“It is likely that no individual line would initially guarantee space for 50 - 100 teu per week. It would need to be spread between more than one line.FYI, at the moment no line ex Melbourne would be able to carry this cargo in one lot. Bookings are such that it would need to be spread over at leapt fur lines, possibly more.”
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