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life:不可数1.(泛指)生命;生物 How did life begin?
2.(泛指)生活;人生;世事; one's way of life
3.活力;生气;活动:There was no sign of life in the
empty house.这幢空房子不见有人住的迹象.
可数 pl.lives
1.性命;人命:Many people lost there lives in the
traffic accidents./
give one's life for one's country为国捐躯
2.一生;终生;(描述一生的)传记;spend one's life
in idleness一生无所事事(虚度年华)
[常用单](某种方式的)生活;寿命:live a hard(happy) life
过着艰难的(幸福的)生活/These carpets have a
long life.这些地毯使用寿命长.
部分搭配;all one's life一辈子
bring to life 使苏醒
come (back) to life苏醒过来;恢复生气
for life终身;一辈子:be crippled for life腿脚终身残疾
in life 一生中
to the life惟妙惟肖;生动逼真
life assurance=life insurance人寿保险
life story传记
lifetime n.[单]终身;一生a lifetime job毕生的工作