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Do you know 3D movies?When you see one,it's like the story is happening in front of you,and you are part of it.3D movies are exciting to watch,but do you know how to make them,and why you need to wear a pair of 3D glasses?To understand these questions,let's do an easy experiment.
  Put a finger in front of your eyes.
  Cover your left eye and look at the finger.
  Cover your right eye and look at the finger.
  What do you see?The finger you see with your left eye is in a different position from the one you see with your right eye.This means you get two images(图像)when you look at something with both your eyes.To make a 3D movie,people have to get two images at the same time,so they use two video cameras.When playing a 3D movie,they use two projectors (放映机) at the same time.This brings two images together on the screen.Then,we use 3D glasses to separate (分离)the two images.One image enters one eye and the other image enters the other eye.
  Then our brains put the two images together.This way,we get 3D pictures
你知道3D电影吗?当你看3D电影时,里面的故事就像在你的眼前发生一样,而你也是故事里的一部分.看3D 电影令人激动,但是你知道怎样制作3D电影吗?为什么要带上3D眼睛呢?为了了解这些问题,让我们做一个简单的实验.把你的一...