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如题,尽量写出语法点,限时1天,即至6.24日晚.1. Has your mum _____________ your sister recently?
A. seen a letter by B. heard a letter from
C. heard D. heard from
2. There are quite a few old books on the shelf, but ___________ of them is useful to him.
A. both B. all C. neither D. none
3. All the students in my class did their homework except ____________.
A. Jane and I B. Jane and mine
C. I and Jane D. Jane and me 4. I’m fat. But John is ______________ fatter than me.
A. a bit of B. a few C. bit D. a bit
5.she picked_____and gave____ to me.A.it up,back it B.it up,it backC.up it.back it D.up it,it back6.he came to see me ____ten _____the night of march 4thA.at ,in B at.on C,in,at D.in ,in
1D,hear from表示得到……的消息或收到……的信;2D,注意them后面是is,那么AB排除,neither不与of连用,none表示三者或三者以上的全部否定;3D,except是动词,后面接宾语,所以只能选me,A选项可以做主语,记住“我”和别人一起并列时总是在后,然后根据成分判断用什么格;4D,bit可以修饰形容词,也可以修饰不可数名词,与little相似;few只能修饰可数名词,a bit of表示一小部分,初中可以无视它,记住a bit\little这个搭配就行了;5B,pick up拿起,give back给回,固定搭配;6B,at搭时刻,on搭具体日期或知道具体哪天的早上中午下午晚上,in搭一个时间段或不知道具体哪天的早上中午下午晚上,这三个介词好好记.初二没到中考吧,干嘛还24日晚前= =