早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Eco-travel is a form of travel that combines normal tourism with learning.Instead of simply traveling for pleasure,you can use your trip as a way to protect the enviroment.Normal tourism is often bad for the environment,and tourists often canuse problem Eco-travel.on the other hand,is away to travel responsibly Eco-tourists want to learn about the world so that they can makey it better,or at least understand is better.Eco-tracel is a way to find out what can be done to help animals and plants as well as people.
Eco-travel is a form of travel that combines normal tourism with learning.Instead of simply traveling for pleasure,you can use your trip as a way to protect the enviroment.Normal tourism is often bad for the environment,and tourists often canuse problem Eco-travel.on the other hand,is away to travel responsibly Eco-tourists want to learn about the world so that they can makey it better,or at least understand is better.Eco-tracel is a way to find out what can be done to help animals and plants as well as people.
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把一根长度为143CM的铁丝截成几段,若每段至少1CM长,且任意3段都不能构成三角形,试判断最多可 2020-05-21 …
把一根长度为143CM的铁丝截成几段,若每段至少1CM长,且任意3段都不能构成三角形,试判断最多可 2020-05-21 …
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把55cm的铁丝截成几段,每一段至少1cm,任意三段都不能构成三角形,最多能截成几段?长度分别为多 2020-07-07 …
把一根长度为55cm的铁丝截成几段,每一段至少1cm长,且任意三段都不能构成三角形,请问最多能截成 2020-07-07 …
给定一条长度为2013米的硬塑料管,请你按下列要求把它裁断(三个要求同时满足):(1)每段长都是整数 2020-11-11 …
关于一道数学题有一段楼梯有10级台阶,规定每一步只能跨一级或两级,问要登上10级台阶有多少种不同的走 2020-12-02 …
有两根木头分别长4.2米和3.6米,现要把它们截成同样长的小段,每段尽可能长些,但不能有余,每小段应 2021-01-06 …
如图,黑板上画了9个点,我们可以用5条线段把它们串联起来,而且这5条线段是可以用一笔画成的,实际上我 2021-01-16 …