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帮忙 翻译一篇英文文章Igneous rocks are generally very hard. because they are form a molten mass of rock mater called magma. The magma, which can be seen on the surface of the Earth as lava, consists of complex mixtures of chemicals. As the magma moves through cracks in the Earth' s surface, it cools around the edges. It may cool completely deep within the Earth, or at the surface. The kind of igneous rock formed depends on the composit of the magma and the rate at which it cools. On cooling, the chemicals in the magma form crystals. These crystals, like grains of salt or suger, have particular shapes depending on their chemical composition, and the longer it takes them to cool, the larger they became. The colid crystalline forms are called minerals. 先打到这里吧后面太多了.
火山岩通常都非常的坚硬。因为他们是从溶化的石头形成的,叫做岩浆。岩浆可以在地球表面的火山岩看到, 构成了一系列混合的化学物质。当岩浆从地球便面的缝隙通过时,它的边缘比较冷。他们会在地球深处冷却,或者是表面。。一种火山岩是依靠合成的岩浆然后冷却形成的。在冷却的情况下,在岩浆里的化学物质形成了晶体。这些晶体,像盐或糖的小颗粒一样,有着独特的形状,取决于他们的化学组成,而且,他们冷却的越久,这些晶体就越大。这些晶体叫做无机物