早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


     When I was young I belonged to a club that did community service work.There was one specific
event that was unusual for me.I spent three or four hours handin g out warm dinner to the homeless out
in the streets.After that I went to a homeless shelter not far from the Bay Bridge.
     I was in high school and at the time my sister was too young to__ 1 __.She wanted to help __ 2 __
she made four or five dozen chocolate chip cookies for me to__ 3 __and hand out to people.When
getting to the homeless shelter__ 4 __passed out the re maining meals.__ 5 __ I began making sandwiches
and__ 6 __them with the crowd.I had the containers with my__ 7 __cookies in them and began to__ 8 __
offering them to anyone near me. I__ 9 __an old gentleman and said "Sir would you like a cookie?" He
stopped and turned around __ 10 __and said "What did you say?Did you call me sir?" I told him I
__ 11 __ and his eyes__ 12 __a little bit and he said "No one has__ 13 __called me sir." So he__ 14 __.
It struck me.
     I explained I had been raised that__ 15 __color and social status everyone deserved respect.It
__ 16 __me to think that just because he was homeless no one__ 17 __him the honor.It broke my heart
and I__ 18 __I just didn't understand__ 19 __no one ever called him sir?I had never thought that anyone
was below me because I wasn't raised that way.Every__ 20 __person deserves to be treated with dignity.
Years later I still carry that memory and the lessons it taught me.Sometimes what we take for granted
can really make a difference in someone's life.
     How have you made a difference to others?How have others made a difference to you?
(     )1. A. participate               
(     )2. A. however                  
(     )3. A. bring                    
(     )4. A. I                        
(     )5. A. First                    
(     )6. A. shared                   
(     )7. A. classmate's             
(     )8. A. walk around               
(     )9. A. went                 
(     )10. A. looked at
                  me rightly        
(     )11. A. had                   
(     )12. A. watered               
(     )13. A. already               
(     )14. A. was completely
(     )15. A. in spite of              
(     )16. A. strengthened              
(     )17. A. handed                      
(     )18. A. had no choice 
             but to cry    
(     )19. A. what                   
(     )20. A. single               
B. involve                      
B. but                          
B. fetch                        
B. you                          
B. Next                          
B. gave                          
 B. schoolmate's              
B. knock around                  
B. came                          
B. stared at me
     with difficulty  
B. called                        
B. cried                        
B. ever                          
B. was not a little
B. regardless of                
B. saddened                      
B. afforded                      
B. couldn't help
     to cry        
B. when                          
B. poor                          
C. choose                     
C. yet                        
C. collect                   
C. she                        
C. Third                     
C. helped                    
  C. sister's                
C. come around                
C. approached              
C. glared at me 
     in anger        
C. would                   
C. tore                     
C. still                   
C. was completely
    taken aback    
C. concerned about           
C. frightened                   
C. provided                    
C. had no right
     to cry          
C. whether                 
C. ordinary                
D. go                          
D. so                          
D. take                        
D. we                          
D. Finally                      
D. assisted                     
 D. family's                  
D. stand around                
D. met                          
D. looked me
right in the eye  
D. do                          
D. dropped                      
D. yet                          
D. was not a bit
D. for fear of                  
D. pleased                      
D. supplied                    
D. couldn't help
     but cry      
D. why                          
D. normal                     
1-5: ADDAB  6-10: ACACD  11-15: AABCB  16-20: BBDDA