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地沟油摇身变成食用油地沟油实际上是一个泛指的概念,是人们在生活中对于各类劣质油的统称.       地沟油可分为三类:  一是狭义的地沟油,即将下水道中的油腻漂浮物或者将宾馆、酒楼的剩饭、剩菜(通称泔水)经过简单加工、提炼出的油;   二是劣质猪肉、猪内脏、猪皮加工以及提炼后产出的油;   三是用于油炸食品的油使用次数超过规定后,再被重复使用或往其中添加一些新油后重新使用的油. 翻译为英文,
Hogwash oil shake the body into cooking oil edible oils is actually a general concept,is people is in the life for all kinds of inferior oil collectively.Hogwash oil can be divided into three groups:one is the narrow sense of edible oils,is the greasy floater or sewer guesthouse,restaurant food,the leftovers (appellative hogwash) with simple processing,oil extracted; 2 it is inferior pork,pig liver,pigskin processing and refining the output after the oil; Three is used for Fried food oil used times more than the prescribed,be repeated use or to among them to add some new oil resumed after the use of oil.
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