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以protect our environment为题的英语作文及意思 要有中文意思啊 没意思不给分 80个单词就可以了

以protect our environment为题的英语作文及意思
要有中文意思啊 没意思不给分 80个单词就可以了
After consideration, I would have thought deeper before making a decision. One of the examples is that I will think of other possibilities and ways of disposing an unwanted item. This is because our actions might seem little and can do much harm to the environment but as time passes by and all our actions are added up together and this might cause chaos in the future. Damaging the environment is not a petty issue. Planet earth as we all live in seems to be the only planet that is capable of supporting human life. Once it is damage beyond repair, it might wipe out our species.
In the effort of protecting the environment, we will consider the effect of our actions before making decisions. Will our actions do any good to the environment or will it continue to harm the environment? This is the question that must be thought of when taking actions. As we all know, we do not have centuries to go anymore. Scientist around the globe is already complaining about the effect of global warming and the unstable environment that we all have nowadays. We have only a few more decade to go before we totally wipe out the ice berg at the north and south pole. Once the ice is melted, all sort of extreme and outrages weather will occur.
It's time to wake up! People have the responsibilities to protect their lovely green home. Otherwise, the terminator human will destory themselves as well.
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