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英语作文:以"lf have a lot of money”为题,设想假如你有许多钱,你英语作文:以"lf have a lot of money”为题,设想假如你有许多钱,你会做些什么?(初二水平,需中文意思)!

英语作文:以"lf have a lot of money”为题,设想假如你有许多钱,你
英语作文:以"lf have a lot of money”为题,设想假如你有许多钱,你会做些什么?(初二水平,需中文意思)!
If I have a lot of money……Different people have differeent dreams.For me,my dream is make a lot of money.If i have a lot of money,firstly,i will buy a big house for my parents,i love my parents,i hope they can have a very happy life.After that,i will give some money to the charity,may be give money to the Project Hope to help poor children ,i will also give money to the sick person,i like to give my money to the old people's house,if they have enough money,they may lead a happier life.At last,when i retired,i am going to travel all over the world ,then i want to buy a lot of farm for myself,in my spare time ,i can plant some beautiful flowers.I am sure.one day,my dream will come true.
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