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You can add a journal entry before coming to class,and choose one of the following:a meditation on "plum blossom" or the Lantern Festival(ala a song)...a piece of music you like...that may contemporize the choice of metaphor or imagery in these poems,in my collection,which in the rain,I read,today...Enjoy!We will read your poems in class; be prepared!
Plum Blossom
Sprigs of plum by the corner of the wall
Are blooming alone in the cold
If not for the subtle fragrane drifting over
Who could tell this from snow on the boughs?
--Wang Anshi (1021-1086) Known for superb descriptions of nature...distinguished by originality and aptness of imagery.
The Lantern Festival (to the melody Qing Yu An)
In the east wind tonight a thousand trees burst into bloom
And stars are blown down like rain;
The whole perfumed road is thronged
With fine carriages and horses bright with gems;
Phoenix flutes make music,
The jade clepsydra flashes,
Fish and dragon lanterns whir the whole night long.
Golden willow and butterlfy trinkets in her hair,
Laughing and chatting she leaves a
faint fragrance behind her;
A thousand times I search for her in the crowd
And,sudddenly turning my head,
Discover her where the lantern lights are dim.
-Xin Qi Ji (1140-1207) Bold exuberant style influenced other poets..(Wrote 600 poems in "Ci" form..
Lantern Festival (to the tune of Shengxhazi)
At the Lantern Festival last year,
the fair was lit like a bright day.
In the night,he met me here,
the moon topping the willow tree.
At the Lantern Festival ths year,
the same lanterns,the same moon,
where is the man I met last year?
My spring sleeves are tear -soaked.
--Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072) Relying on the ci form,expresses powerful,as well as playful emotions.
You can add a journal entry before coming to class,and choose one of the following:a meditation on "plum blossom" or the Lantern Festival(ala a song)...a piece of music you like...that may contemporiz...