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求一篇世博会的英语作文作为一个志愿者 你如何看待世博会

作为一个志愿者 你如何看待世博会
2010 World Expo is getting closer,civilization and harmonious call is ringing in our ears.Shanghai is the host city of the World Expo,2010.
As an volunteer of the Expro.I think it will not only be a opportunity to the development to Shanghai,but also to our national spirit reflected in the Expro.
World Expo has a great influence and has a long history of international activities,it is also a grand gathering of human beings.People from all over the world get together to display their products and skills,and boast of their motherland and hometown ,which has a unique appeal,the mood is stirring.
World Expo is a platform converying what we hosts can do and will do perfect.
Being a glorious World Expo volunteers,I feel very proud and looking forward to seeing a bright future.We must also make our own contribution to the World Expo to prove that we will go through our own hands,to heat the hearts of sincere and practical action to achieve the world's commitment to Shanghai:" City,Better Life!"
I would like to show our foreign friends to the ever-changing Shanghai and long-history China through the World Expo,doing a favor to my country through my own efforts.
I am looking forward to the World Expo ,and I will work with the Expo as well as growing with the development of Shanghai.
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