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英语翻译While underground natural gas storage is safe and effective,some projects have leaked,mostly caused by poorly completedor improperly plugged and abandoned wells and by leaky faults(Gurevich et al.,1993; Lippmann and Benson,2003; Perry,200
While underground natural gas storage is safe and effective,
some projects have leaked,mostly caused by poorly completed
or improperly plugged and abandoned wells and by leaky faults
(Gurevich et al.,1993; Lippmann and Benson,2003; Perry,
2005).Abandoned oil and gas fields are easier to assess as
natural gas storage sites than are saline formations,because the
geological structure and caprock are usually well characterized
from existing wells.At most natural gas storage sites,monitoring
requirements focus on ensuring that the injection well is not
leaking (by the use of pressure measurements and through in
situ downhole measurements of temperature,pressure,noise/
sonic,casing conditions,etc.).Observation wells are sometimes
used to verify that gas has not leaked into shallower strata.
While underground natural gas storage is safe and effective,
some projects have leaked,mostly caused by poorly completed
or improperly plugged and abandoned wells and by leaky faults
(Gurevich et al.,1993; Lippmann and Benson,2003; Perry,
2005).Abandoned oil and gas fields are easier to assess as
natural gas storage sites than are saline formations,because the
geological structure and caprock are usually well characterized
from existing wells.At most natural gas storage sites,monitoring
requirements focus on ensuring that the injection well is not
leaking (by the use of pressure measurements and through in
situ downhole measurements of temperature,pressure,noise/
sonic,casing conditions,etc.).Observation wells are sometimes
used to verify that gas has not leaked into shallower strata.
尽管天然气的地下储藏安全又有效,有些工程发生了泄漏,主要原因有油气井废弃工程完成质量低下,或者未被妥善封闭,抑或是泄漏断层 (参考文献).废弃的油气田比盐碱地层更容易改造为天然气储存点,因为油气井的地质结构和盖层通常已被详细探知.在大多数天然气储藏点,监控的要务在于保证注入井没有泄漏(通过压强监测和现场钻孔测量温度、压强、噪音/声波、外壳状况等等).观测井有时也被用于验证天然气没有泄漏进更浅的岩层.
尽管天然气的地下储藏安全又有效,有些工程发生了泄漏,主要原因有油气井废弃工程完成质量低下,或者未被妥善封闭,抑或是泄漏断层 (参考文献).废弃的油气田比盐碱地层更容易改造为天然气储存点,因为油气井的地质结构和盖层通常已被详细探知.在大多数天然气储藏点,监控的要务在于保证注入井没有泄漏(通过压强监测和现场钻孔测量温度、压强、噪音/声波、外壳状况等等).观测井有时也被用于验证天然气没有泄漏进更浅的岩层.
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