早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
这是我的拒签理由:The evidence on file indicates that the applicant meets the requirements as required under Schedule 5A
of the Migration Regulations,and that I am satisfied that the applicant has the requisite financial,
English language and educational qualifications required for this subclass of visa.I am now turning my
mind to whether there are any "Other Relevant Matters" which may impact on the applicant's intention
to be a genuine student.
Where an applicant is seeking to undertake a short course (less than 12 months) such as ELICOS,in
Australia it is open to officers to consider more broadly whether the proposed course is consistent with
the applicant's circumstances.Based on information provided in the application I am not satisfied that
the applicant's intentions meet the purpose of the visa.Therefore I am not satisfied that the applicant
meets Regulation 570.223 (2)(b)(ii).
这段话也帮我详细的翻译下:The criteria in the subclass 570 visa regulations that you did not satisfy are set out at the end of this
decision record.
You have also been considered against the other subclasses within Student (Temporary) (Class TU):
subclasses 571,572,573,574,575,576 and 580.
You did not satisfy the primary criteria for any of these subclasses because you:
• were not enrolled in,or had not been offered a place in,a principal course of study that had been
specified by Gazette Notice as a type of course for any of these subclasses (Regulation 571.232,
572.231,573.231,574.231 and 575.231); and
• did not have the support of the AusAID Minister or the Defence Minister for the grant of the visa
(Regulation 576.229).
You did not satisfy the secondary criteria for the grant of any subclass of student visa within Student
(Temporary) (Class TU) because you are not a member of the family unit of a person who:
• is the holder of a subclass of student visa within Student (Temporary) (Class TU); or
• satisfies,or has satisfied,the primary criteria for the grant of a subclass of student visa within
Student (Temporary) (Class TU) (Regulation 570.322,571.322,572.322,573.322,574.322 and
575.322); and
• had the support of the AusAID Minister or the Defence Minister for the grant of the visa
(Regulation 576.322).
As your application was not made on form 157G (Application for a Student Guardian visa),it was not
a valid application for grant of a subclass 580 Student Guardian visa (Item 1222(1)(ca) of the
Migration Regulations).
这是我的拒签理由:The evidence on file indicates that the applicant meets the requirements as required under Schedule 5A
of the Migration Regulations,and that I am satisfied that the applicant has the requisite financial,
English language and educational qualifications required for this subclass of visa.I am now turning my
mind to whether there are any "Other Relevant Matters" which may impact on the applicant's intention
to be a genuine student.
Where an applicant is seeking to undertake a short course (less than 12 months) such as ELICOS,in
Australia it is open to officers to consider more broadly whether the proposed course is consistent with
the applicant's circumstances.Based on information provided in the application I am not satisfied that
the applicant's intentions meet the purpose of the visa.Therefore I am not satisfied that the applicant
meets Regulation 570.223 (2)(b)(ii).
这段话也帮我详细的翻译下:The criteria in the subclass 570 visa regulations that you did not satisfy are set out at the end of this
decision record.
You have also been considered against the other subclasses within Student (Temporary) (Class TU):
subclasses 571,572,573,574,575,576 and 580.
You did not satisfy the primary criteria for any of these subclasses because you:
• were not enrolled in,or had not been offered a place in,a principal course of study that had been
specified by Gazette Notice as a type of course for any of these subclasses (Regulation 571.232,
572.231,573.231,574.231 and 575.231); and
• did not have the support of the AusAID Minister or the Defence Minister for the grant of the visa
(Regulation 576.229).
You did not satisfy the secondary criteria for the grant of any subclass of student visa within Student
(Temporary) (Class TU) because you are not a member of the family unit of a person who:
• is the holder of a subclass of student visa within Student (Temporary) (Class TU); or
• satisfies,or has satisfied,the primary criteria for the grant of a subclass of student visa within
Student (Temporary) (Class TU) (Regulation 570.322,571.322,572.322,573.322,574.322 and
575.322); and
• had the support of the AusAID Minister or the Defence Minister for the grant of the visa
(Regulation 576.322).
As your application was not made on form 157G (Application for a Student Guardian visa),it was not
a valid application for grant of a subclass 580 Student Guardian visa (Item 1222(1)(ca) of the
Migration Regulations).
现在,我把注意力放在 这些能表明申请人的意图 是否是一个真正的学生的 “其他相关材料”上面.(这句比较麻烦,放了几个空格,便于阅读和理解)
根据申请人提供的材料,我不认同申请人的申请意图符合这一类签证的目的.所以,我不认为本申请达到了条例570.223 (2)(b)(ii)
签证类型570中,你没有达到的条件列在这个拒签决定的末尾.并且,你的条件也不符合其他学生签证类型,如 571,572,573,574,575,576,580.
• 你并没有注册,或者没有被 在GAZETTE通知上面指明的课程 所录取.
• 你没有澳洲政府或军队的特殊照顾
你的条件没有达到上述签证类型的次级要求 是因为你家里没有 达到以下要求的 家庭成员:
现在,我把注意力放在 这些能表明申请人的意图 是否是一个真正的学生的 “其他相关材料”上面.(这句比较麻烦,放了几个空格,便于阅读和理解)
根据申请人提供的材料,我不认同申请人的申请意图符合这一类签证的目的.所以,我不认为本申请达到了条例570.223 (2)(b)(ii)
签证类型570中,你没有达到的条件列在这个拒签决定的末尾.并且,你的条件也不符合其他学生签证类型,如 571,572,573,574,575,576,580.
• 你并没有注册,或者没有被 在GAZETTE通知上面指明的课程 所录取.
• 你没有澳洲政府或军队的特殊照顾
你的条件没有达到上述签证类型的次级要求 是因为你家里没有 达到以下要求的 家庭成员:
看了 帮我翻一下我的拒签信!澳大利...的网友还看了以下:
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