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Abstract:Considering the special requirements of group enterprise information management software,a new method of massive software development was put forward basing on the component technology and facing the “assemblage”.It generalizes five key parts of the method system including the overall strategy,the application project method basing on the operation “assemblage”,the field project method basing on component,the development method facing the component on the basis of the visible component platform,and the software development process model basing on the component “assemblage”.Besides,this paper describes the
Process and principle of this method application with an example of he construction of a Communications Investment Group enterprise’s management information system.The method provides a new idea for breaking away from the predicament appeared in the construction of present enterprise immortalization and exploring the way of software industrialization.
一楼google翻译的 不好 有些地方不通顺
摘要考虑到管理集团企业信息软件的特殊需要,提出了一种基于部件技术和面对“集成”的大规模软件开发 的新方法.除了总体策略外,它可以概括为五大方法体系:基于“集成”操作的应用项目方法;基于部件的领域项目方法;...
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