早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
love is a feeling, more specifically it is your affection toward someone or a group of individuals. different people have different opinions on love, but the dictionary definition of love states that it is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person or a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
some people argue that love doesn't exist because you can't see it. however, i think that this statement is absurd. for instance, the air is there, but you can't see it. love is something personal, and there's no right or wrong way to describe it. love can lead people to do selfish things, or the other way around that it can transform a helpless person into an independent individual who can contribute to the society.
in general, love is a positive feeling. we need love, for if the world lacks the feeling called love, then we won't be able to appreciate the bright sunshine, the loveliness of the spring and many other aspects of nature. the society needs love in order to thrive and for the people to feel an uplifting sense instead of feeling pessimistic and sorrowful. love brings joy and happiness, but more importantly, it enlivens all the living beings; we cannot live without it.
some people argue that love doesn't exist because you can't see it. however, i think that this statement is absurd. for instance, the air is there, but you can't see it. love is something personal, and there's no right or wrong way to describe it. love can lead people to do selfish things, or the other way around that it can transform a helpless person into an independent individual who can contribute to the society.
in general, love is a positive feeling. we need love, for if the world lacks the feeling called love, then we won't be able to appreciate the bright sunshine, the loveliness of the spring and many other aspects of nature. the society needs love in order to thrive and for the people to feel an uplifting sense instead of feeling pessimistic and sorrowful. love brings joy and happiness, but more importantly, it enlivens all the living beings; we cannot live without it.
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