早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




( ) 1. What does Andy usually use the computer for?

   A. Playing games. B. Watching videos. C. Word processing.

( ) 2. What does Sue want to do? .

   A. Take an online tour. B. Do some shopping online. C. Chat online.

( ) 3. Will the man teach the woman to use the computer?

   A. He didn't say about it. B. No he won’t. C. Yes he will.

( ) 4. How did the woman travel to the countries?

   A. Online. B. By air. C. By sea.

( ) 5. If the girl wants to see some photos which icon should she click on?

   A. The “Camera” icon. B. The “Photo” icon. C. The “Teacher” icon.

1-5 CACAA1-5 CACAA 第一部分听对话,选择正确答案1. W: Andy what do you usually use the computer for playing games or watching videos?M: Neither Kate. I usually use it for word processing.2. W: Bob how can I take an online tour of England?M: It's easy Sue. Just click on the icon at the top. After you finish the tour you can click on the icon at the bottom.3. W: Do you mind teaching me how to use the computer?M: Of course not.4. W: I have visited America and Australia online!M: Great!Travelling online is much faster and easier than by air or by sea.5. W: What do the icons mean? M:The“Camera”icon means you can see the photos.The “Print” icon means you can print the photos.And the “Teacher” icon means you can ask for help.